
The Boyer–Moore algorithm is a powerful tool for text searching, especially useful in applications where efficiency matters. Developed by Robert S. Boyer and J Strother Moore in 1977 original paper , this algorithm significantly outperforms naive string matching techniques by leveraging two key optimization rules that allow it to skip over large portions of text.

How the Boyer-Moore Algorithm Works

The Boyer-Moore algorithm compares the pattern and text starting from the end of the pattern, which helps in skipping over large sections of text. This is a stark contrast to naive methods that compare characters from the beginning.

Example showing matching pattern in string starting from last letter of pattern.

The Boyer–Moore algorithm uses two main rules to increase its efficiency:

  1. The Bad Character Rule
  2. The Good Suffix Rule

These rules help determine how far the search can skip ahead, optimizing performance. With these, the worst-case time complexity is O(n*m), but in most cases, it performs much faster, especially when the pattern is not found, or we need only an index of the first occurrence of a pattern in text, its time complexity is O(n+m).

To apply these rules, we need to create lookup tables based on the pattern.

The Bad Character rule

The Bad Character Rule helps us decide how far we can shift the pattern to the right after a mismatch, allowing us to skip unnecessary comparisons. Here’s how it works:

Mismatch Detection: The algorithm starts comparing from the end of the pattern. When a mismatch occurs, it checks if the mismatched character exists elsewhere in the pattern.

Finding the Last Occurrence: If the mismatched character appears elsewhere in the pattern, the pattern is shifted to align the last occurrence of the mismatched character with the text character. This avoids unnecessary re-checks of already compared characters.

If No Match is Found: If the mismatched character doesn’t appear in the pattern, the algorithm skips past the mismatched character entirely, maximizing the shift distance.

Example showing shifts after application of the bad character rule
Example showing shifts after application of the bad character rule.

The Good Suffix rule

The Good Suffix Rule allows us to skip parts of the text when a suffix of the pattern (a portion of characters at the end) matches part of the text but is followed by a mismatch. When this happens, the rule finds where this suffix occurs earlier in the pattern.

Find Earlier Occurrence: If there’s an earlier occurrence of the suffix in the pattern, shift the pattern so this occurrence aligns with the matched part in the text.

Shift to the Longest Prefix: If there’s no such earlier occurrence, shift the pattern so that the longest prefix of the pattern matches the suffix in the text.

Example showing shifts after application of good suffix rule
Example showing shifts after application of the good suffix rule.


Implementation in c++.

Return the indexes of all occurrences of the pattern in the text.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

void createBadCharacterTable(const string &pattern,
                             unordered_map<char, int> &badCharShift)
    int m = pattern.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
        badCharShift[pattern[i]] = i;

void createGoodSuffixTable(const string &pattern, vector<int> &goodSuffixShift)
    int m = pattern.size();
    vector<int> borderPos(m + 1, 0);
    int i = m, j = m + 1;
    borderPos[i] = j;

    while (i > 0)
        while (j <= m && pattern[i - 1] != pattern[j - 1])
            if (goodSuffixShift[j] == 0)
                goodSuffixShift[j] = j - i;
            j = borderPos[j];
        borderPos[i] = j;

    for (int k = 0; k <= m; ++k)
        if (goodSuffixShift[k] == 0)
            goodSuffixShift[k] = j;
        if (k == j)
            j = borderPos[j];

vector<int> boyerMoore(const string &text, const string &pattern)
    int n = text.size();
    int m = pattern.size();
    unordered_map<char, int> badCharShift;
    vector<int> goodSuffixShift(m + 1, 0);
    vector<int> matchPositions;
    createBadCharacterTable(pattern, badCharShift);
    createGoodSuffixTable(pattern, goodSuffixShift);

    int i = 0;
    while (i <= n - m)
        int j = m - 1;

        while (j >= 0 && pattern[j] == text[i + j])

        if (j < 0)
            i += goodSuffixShift[0];
            int badCharShiftValue = j - badCharShift[text[i + j]];
            int goodSuffixShiftValue = goodSuffixShift[j + 1];
            i += max(1, max(badCharShiftValue, goodSuffixShiftValue));

    return matchPositions;

Conclusion: Why the Boyer-Moore Algorithm is Essential

The Boyer-Moore algorithm is widely used in C++ libraries (since C++17) and is also featured in popular tools like GNU grep. Chances are, you’ve used it yourself when performing text searches on your computer. Its combination of the Bad Character and Good Suffix rules makes it an optimal choice for many text searching tasks.

You can check my previous post about Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm here